Natural Spot Remover

A Natural Spot Remover Remedy From Laundry Express!

Have you stained your favorite white blouse or T-shirt? Are you worried that it’s gone forever; nothing will remove the stain? Depending on the type of stain, and how bad it is, there are a few natural stain removal methods that might help! Natural stain removers are often more powerful than the kind you purchase in the store. They’re also Eco-friendly and non-toxic, when used properly!

Laundry Service, Raleigh NC | Natural Stain Remover

Rust stains: Remove as much of the stain as possible, before treatment. Soak the stain in lemon juice. Sprinkle salt directly onto the lemon juice. Let the mixture react overnight then rinse it with cool water. Do not use hot water. If the stain hasn’t been removed yet, the hot water will set the stain.  Repeat these steps if the stain remains.

Grass or ink stains: Saturate the stain with cheap vodka and wash as usual.

Perspiration stains: Yellowed spots on your whites usually come from perspiration.  Most think that these stains are impossible to remove! Scrubbing the spots with baking soda and water will do the trick!

Mix together, four tablespoons of baking soda and a dab of water. The goal is to make a paste that’s easy to apply and scrub.  After scrubbing the stain with the mixture,  let it sit for 5 minutes. Then, launder as you normally would.  Then launder as usual.

Red wine stains: Immediately pour salt on the stain to absorb the moisture. Let the salt work into the fabric, then scrape it away. Next, blot the stain with liberal amounts of club soda.

For all other stains, try dabbing the area with lemon juice, vinegar or hydrogen peroxide.

A natural stain remover is easy, Eco-friendly, and much more cost effective than other, store bought stain removers. If you’re pressed for time, and need stains removed, quickly, remember Raleigh Laundromat, Laundry Express. Our Raleigh laundry service experts can help you remove your stains easily, and efficiently.


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