Getting Motivated to Clean, Part Two

laundromat Raleigh NCLet’s face it! Some of us are cleaning fiends, and some of us, well not so much. We all want a clean house right? The reality is that unless we have company coming over or a holiday party planned we just aren’t motivated to keep our house as clean as we want. Last blog post we began looking at some ways to get us motivated to begin the process of establishing some cleaning routines. Today’s post will take it even further. Need more help than just ideas for getting motivated? Stop by our laundromat in Raleigh NC to do all your laundry at once! It’s easy and quicker than doing it at home!

Cleaning Motivation! | Laundromat Raleigh NC

In today’s time there are many blogs available to help us with getting good routines established when it comes to cleaning our home and doing the laundry. Several of them use the mantra of a 15 minute time frame for getting various jobs done.  The idea is that if we spend just fifteen minutes per room or task and then move on to something new we will stay motivated. The idea is to eventually get a good routine established.

Before we begin our cleaning make sure you get dressed. Now we don’t mean out on the town dressed, but some comfy sweats will do. If music is a motivator then turn it up. Do turn off the television as we find it is a distraction and will side track you in a quick minute. If you have some sort of timer this helps you stay on task and on time.  It is so much fun to race the clock against ourselves.

The first thing you will want to tackle is the laundry. After all if you get it in the wash first it will, well, do the job itself while you move on to something else. Just make certain to check back and get it booted into the dryer on time. Follow it with hanging, folding, and putting away. You will be amazed how much better you will feel with fresh clean clothing all done and put away by the end of the day.

As you start cleaning the rest of the home begin in one room and work clockwise around that room.  Clear off the top surfaces of the tables and dust or wipe clean as you go. Have a handy basket for placing stray items that don’t belong in that particular room. These can be put away into the proper place as you move from room to room. Finish each room before moving on to another. Sweep or mop the floor as you leave the room.

In the kitchen you may also want to start a dishwasher full of dishes before you begin other rooms. This will give them time to get done so that you can put them away when you get to the kitchen cleaning. In the kitchen wipe down your cabinet doors, counters, and appliances. This is the one room you will want to establish some “rules” for yourself to help with keeping this room clean. Make certain dirty dishes are loaded into the dishwasher as you use them. This will mean keeping the dishwasher loaded and unloaded daily. This will be such a huge help in keeping your kitchen routine going.

The laundry room is another place you need a good routine. A laundry load a day all the way to finish will help you not have the mountain of laundry to tackle at the end of the week. We all want to enjoy our weekend by relaxing and enjoying our family and friends. The better your cleaning routine is during the week the more time you gain on the weekend. That should be the best motivator there is!

Laundry Express will help you get that laundry under control. Call or come by today! Our laundromat in Raleigh NC is the best in the area!


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