Fall Laundry Tips

Summer is coming to a quick close. Temperatures are dropping and school is getting back in full swing. Our routines will get back to a hectic busy schedule. Sports for fall will pick up. Homework will be normal again. Before we know it the holidays will be upon us. One of the things that will also increase will be the laundry. School clothes, uniforms. and work clothes can multiply pretty quick this time of year. It will be easy to get overwhelmed with a laundry pile that seems to grow bigger and bigger every day. This post will offer up some really great tips for getting that fall laundry more in control. This should help you gain control and keep it. Stop by our coin laundry in Raleigh NC to do larger loads all at once!

Fall Laundry Tips | Coin Laundry Raleigh NC

This is a good time to put some storage boxes in your laundry area. As you do the summer laundry you can begin the process of putting away your warmer season items as they are laundered. Swimsuits, beach towels, shorts, and light shirts can all begin to be put away until next spring. This will help reduce the amount of items needing to be laundered or that are just taking up much-needed space. Once your storage container is full make certain it gets put away promptly. Leaving them in your laundry room will make things chaotic and cluttered.

As the weather begins to cool you will want to check blankets, quilts, and other bed linens to see if they need a wash or can be freshened up in the dryer. Make sure to launder them only in cold water and be careful of hot dryer temperatures. This is also a great time to establish a schedule for laundering sheets. Pick a day that is not a normal laundry day so that they can be washed, dried, and placed back on the bed immediately.

Get the entire family involved by establishing a stain station in the laundry room. Making certain stains are treated as soon as possible will save your clothing. Teach all members of the family how to treat stains and keep the stain treatment area stocked and ready to go.

One thing you will want to do is set a laundry routine and stick to it. This will vary from family to family depending on how many are under one roof. The best advice is a load a day all the way through from wash, dry, and fold. Teach all family members to do their own laundry and assign them a day.

Another thing to consider is your current washer and dryer. How old are they? If you have a large family your machines may be struggling to keep up as well. Newer machine takes less time to do a cycle and can save you lots of laundry time as well. Newer models offer steam cleaning, larger capacity, and are energy efficient. This will save you money as well.

Keeping your laundry area as organized as possible will also help with your laundry stresses. Being able to get to your washer and dryer and having a good area for sorting and folding will be a great help.

Coin Laundry Raleigh NC

If your bed linens and comforter’s need some attention come by and see us at Laundry Express. Most home machines cannot handle the bulk of these items but ours can! Come by and see us today.


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